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Avetis Krtikashyan

Avetis Krtikaskhyan was born on July 25, 1955 in Yerevan, Armenia.  He began to show an interest in drawing at an early age. In 1971, after graduating from high school, despite objections from his parents, he applied and was admitted to Terlemezyan 

College of the Arts.  His love for creativity continued to grow and he excelled in academic drawing and painting.  After receiving a BA in Fine Arts he pursued his education and got a Master's Degree at the Art Academy in Yerevan.  There he was taught by some of the great instructors of the time, studying color theory, composition and anatomy from long pose, life models.  After graduating, he taught at the Art Academy from 1981 to 1991,  influencing a decade of young artists. He was also an active participant in international and Russian art exhibits.  


Since 1991 he lives and works in Los Angeles, California.  Avetis has launched many individual and group exhibitions. His works are showcased in numerous museums, art galleries, and in homes of personal art collectors. Avetis is known for his large scale, colorful expressive work.

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