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These artworks are remnants from past West Hollywood Gay Pride Parades. I transform the physical possibilities of paint and material by using it as a tactile substance to be cut apart and reassembled. My paintings are labor-intensive. They are not predetermined, they are meticulously pieced together; crafted rather than executed. Remnants of paintings, found material and vinyl banner advertisements are torn, cut, poured and twisted, leads directly to the production of new work. In this way, process is sometimes the impetus for making the work. I am interested in the fragments of human imprint as the mark of connection between nature and humanity.




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24" x 24"

banners from past gay pride parades




18" x 16"

banners from past gay pride parades



WeHo #1, WeHo#2, WeHo #3

banners from past gay pride parades, netting and mesh

$900 each


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